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Full Spectrum CBD Peach Hemp Oil
"I really appreciate finding PurBlend Science products. The Full Spectrum CBD is the best and purest I have fund. Now with CBG it has even gotten better feels like the CBD is intensified. The flavors like peach and tangerine add smoothness and pleasant natural flavors as well as my favorite the hemp derived terpine blends."
Don R.

3 min read
Hemp's Role in the Revolutionary War and Its Economic Impact
A quick look into the role hemp played in the independence and emergence of a young United States.
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7 min read
Natural vs. “Nature Identical”
What is “Nature Identical”? Nature science identifies over 30,000 terpenes, also called essential oils in nature. The first 4-8...
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3 min read
How Hemp Oil Can Help You
Hemp oil is more than just CBD. With our patented Pure Botanical Extraction process, we ensure you are receiving the best medicinal...
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